Showing Up

Very recently I heard the phrase “showing up” from several different people, and it really started to make me think. The more I thought about this phrase, the more it grew on me. It made me take a hard look and ask myself, “how am I showing up in this world?”

The first thing that popped into my head was a task previously given to me by someone much wiser than myself, which was to ask several people to pick five words that they felt best described me as a person. 

The words relayed back to me were quite shocking. Not because they were bad, but because they were not exactly words I would have thought described me as a person—but more so described the goals I have in life. Most of the words depicted how I personally strive to show up in life (that was my lightbulb moment). Now, not all of them were fabulous, I still have a lot of work to do… but the point is, I never gave myself enough credit because I am constantly self critical and hard on myself. 

Often times, we fail to believe in ourselves and carry a lot of self-doubt. This can cause us to sometimes stray from our goals or at the very least make us have a diminished self-view. My broken view of myself blocked me from realizing that I am well on track to where I want to be and how I want to be present in the world. 

More than that, my lightbulb moment allowed me the freedom to truly start moving forward. I was stuck working on things that were already in place, unbeknownst to me previous to this exercise.

Figuring out a general idea of how showing up will look like for each of us is highly important. Subsequently uncovering what might be blocking us from this task is probably the biggest feat to overcome.

So what does showing up look like for you? We are now in a new year, and regardless of your views on New Years resolutions, there’s no better time than now to take a deep look at yourself and see how you’re currently showing up vs. how you want to show up. What is stopping you or posing a hurdle for you?

For me, I want to show up as genuine and authentic. I want to be present in the world and affect change, to motivate and inspire people to live their best lives. Being humble is key, as I never want to come off as having an ego or being self-centered. I want to be sociable, loving, funny, compassionate, and altruistic. 

I would love to hear how y’all want to show up in this world. Feel free to comment on this post, email or personally reach out. Let’s focus on ourselves and becoming better people so that we can affect others in a positive way. 

As always… Much Love,

Logan August