Hey everyone, this is my first blog post on this website. Some of this information may be a bit of a repeat if you have already read my bio on the homepage. I will try and keep this a bit more interesting for those of you who have already read it.
I should preface this, however, I am by no means a literary genius. I have said it now and i’m sure that I will say it again down the road. Writing has actually been a bucket list item of mine… I will get more into that a different day. This is though, one of my first writings period. So take it as you will. No hard feelings if some negative critiques get sent my way.
My name is Logan August. I am 31 years old and I live in the City of Denver, Colorado, USA. I have an amazing fiancé Zach and we have two mixed cattle dogs. We own our own home and both have careers that we are passionate about. I work in law enforcement full time on a co-responding, mental health focused, Crisis Response Team. I do photography on the side and will soon be starting school for Psychology. Zach does graphic design for a company located here in the Denver Metro Area. Zach and I have been together for approximately 8.5 years now, and recently got engaged this spring of 2019.
My goal with this blog is to get more in depth with my life. This will include successes, failures, adventures, goals, passions, randomness and quirkiness. I will dive into much of my past, how I dealt with various incidents, things learned, and outcomes of events. I will talk about moving forward from this situations and the impact they had positively and negatively. I also will be writing various other posts about business, growth, photography, adventures and other things that are of interest to me.
I intend to make this a place of connection amongst all of the amazing and interesting people on this earth. My hope is that not only can I perhaps help others with my experiences, but continue to grow myself by meeting and hearing stories from others.
Some of my goals are growing my photography business, public motivational speaking, psychology and mental health, fitness and healthy living, staying active, travel, adventure, and so so so much more!
What this place is not… this is not a place for arguing, cruelty, impatience, arrogance or any type of comments or people with outright evil intentions. I want this place to be a place of learning (which yes, can sometimes be harsh, but need not be cruel), honesty, respect, connection, healing, growing, and love. I will certainly remove comments that I do not find could be conducive to a positive and welcoming environment. My hope is that there are very few or zero comments that I ever feel the need to delete. Along with that, if anyone ever, at any time feels that something I wrote is offensive, cruel, or just simply does not make sense; let me know immediately so we can have a productive conversation about it and appropriate action be taken. My goal is to never hurt someones feelings, however I do want to have some deep, honest and meaningful conversation.
I am of the mindset that if we can all tell our stories and hear others’ stories, we can learn and grow together. This life is far too short and shouldn’t be spent being full of depressive feelings and anxiety. We should never feel like we do not have a place in this world, because everyone does. It is just a matter of finding what, where and with whom that place is.
I am going to cut this post short, and leave you with all of that for now. I will be posting again soon. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time. I look forward to hearing from and connecting with all of you.
Much Love,
Logan August